Thanksgiving comes every fourth Thursday in November. Hopefully that’s plenty of time to prepare! If your impending Turkey Day celebration has got you down in the dumps, snap out of it! We’re here to help! Now, if you’re currently perusing this page in search of inspiration, rest assured that you have come to the exact right place! Here at 99 Craft, our goal is to showcase excellent, cost effective, holiday themed crafting ideas that don’t take hours to complete, or an arm and a leg to put together! You can easily follow the suggestions we make on this page, and have yourself a house full of original and unique Thanksgiving themed decorations in less time than it would take to shop for a cart load of stuff at your local Walmart!
Some of the ideas you see here on this page contain ingredients that can be gathered from your very own back yard. A bit of crafting ingenuity comes into play here, but it’s hardly rocket science. Even the greenest beginner with two left thumbs can get the hang of it in no time at all! A few of the ingredients for these great holiday decorations can be found in your cupboard, or purchased very cheaply at your local 5 & Dime store. The goal is to create unique and original decorations that no one else has, or has even thought of before! And, with a little bit of time and care, you’ll soon be on your way to gaining bragging rights in that department!
So, have a look around this page, and decide for yourself what appeals to you. These crafts are so charming, so homely, and so easy and inexpensive to put together, that we’re sure you’re bound to come away with some fantastic holiday decorative ideas of your own!