15 Bottle Cap Crafts for Kids

Everyone loves a bottle of pop in the summer time. Of course, when you’ve finished, your first instinct is to throw it away. Why waste time lugging around an empty bottle of pop? “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” But just stop and think for a moment. Sure, it’s better to recycle your empty pop bottle rather than simply trash it. But, even beyond that, could you maybe be doing something more constructive with it? Why not consider the many hundreds, or possibly even thousands, of dollars that you spend each and every year on your home decor? All the money that you spend on holiday related items such as knick knacks, decorations, and costumes could be put to better use!

After all, home crafting is all the rage now in America. It’s partly due to the nasty economic downturn we’ve seen in the past decade, but there’s also a renewed optimism and pride in the capacity of average Americans to create their own purely home crafted goods. So, don’t throw that bottle cap away! Let’s make some home crafted goods that will wow your family and knock your friends’ and neighbors’ socks off in sheer admiration (and maybe even a bit of friendly jealousy!). Whether you’re crafting up table decorations for the holidays, or simply enhancing your home’s decor with some cheery new items, you can save a ton of money by making your own decorations from commonly found items.

Have a look at the ideas for possible crafts on our pages, and see for yourself what great items you can come up with! Let’s start with these exciting, extremely cost effective, bottle cap crafts! Once you’ve seen the amazing array of goods you can craft from a humble bottle cap, we’re sure you’ll think twice about throwing that bottle of pop away!

Bottle Cap Ladybugs

Bottle Cap Face Magnets

Bottle Cap Robots

Bottle Cap Tops

Bottle Cap Soap Dishes

Bottle Cap Snowmen

Bottle Cap Keychains

Bottle Cap Tacks

Bottle Cap Pins

Bottle Cap Coasters

Bottle Cap Necklaces

Bottle Cap Games

Bottle Cap Wind Chimes

Bottle Cap Hair Clips

Bottle Cap Picture Magnets

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