Yarn Rosettes

If you’re looking for a simple, cost effective method by which to add some color and elegance to your home, why not consider crafting some Yarn Rosettes? These lovely little petals of yarn will complement your home in a stately manner at a cost of little or nothing.

Yarn Octopus

Bring this noble denizen of the deep to your home! A Yarn Octopus will add a whimsical touch of delight to even the staunchest landlubber’s home! Craft up this seafaring stranger, and prepare to hear the call of the wild sea!

Button Necklaces

Need an accessory to go with that new outfit, but don’t want to spend a lot of money? No worries, you can do it all yourself! Craft up some button necklaces and, in no time at all, you’ll have some sweet new personal decor that no one else in the world has a copy of!…

Easter Bunny Garland

This excellent Easter bunny garland is an excellent way to brighten up your kitchen wall, or the walls over your children’s beds! Basically just a simple “snow angel” type design made with colored construction paper and scissors. It’s a simple, but very cheerful and effective, design.

Paper Plate Bunny Mask

A simple paper plate, a bit of construction paper and some magic markers are all you need to make a classic DIY Easter Bunny mask! Even if your little one prefers to hang it on their wall or above their bed, it’s still an excellent and inexpensive holiday decoration!

Yarn Ornaments

Yarn Ornaments come in all shapes and sizes! You can craft these decorative (and delightfully cost effective) Yarn Ornaments to fit the needs of all upcoming holidays and special occasions. Or you can “go rogue” and simply craft up a few for the heck of it! No rules in the Yarn-iverse!

Easter Tree

This Easter themed holiday assemblage is not as hard or time consuming to assemble as it first appears! A simple plastic cup, some food coloring dye, cotton balls or plastic packing peanuts, some glitter, and a few pipe cleaners! It’s amazing what you can do with only a few inexpensive materials! Be creative!